The Cats Get Their Turn

On another deployment, a number of SMART volunteers were a part of a major cat rescue in Florida.

At the end of February, a number of animal welfare organizations worked together to round up close to 700 cats that were living in crowded and unsanitary conditions at a cat sanctuary known as the Caboodle Ranch. Many of the animals were suffering from upper respiratory and eye infections or other medical issues, while many others were in critical condition. This was the largest number of cats that the ASPCA has ever removed from one location as part of an animal cruelty investigation.

SMART’s own Manny Maciel assisted the ASPCA in the initial phases of this deployment, helping to find and capture many of the cats. Diane Treadwell helped to support the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) team during the first week and provided critical veterinary assistance, as well as helping with the initial setup of the shelter to house the poor cats during their transition. During the second week, Holly Rogers and Meg McDonough of Cape Cod DART and SMART provided additional support to the IFAW team.

Special thanks to all of you for helping to provide safety and comfort to an unbelievable number of cats!